Title Shape The Story Title Shape

the tokoloshe

For centuries…. Southern Africans have monitored the evolution of a frightening phenomenon… the Tokoloshe.

A creature from Zulu mythology and deeply rooted in South African Folklore, the Tokoloshe are small and terrifying creatures that attack you in your sleep. Many keep their beds raised off the floor for fear of the wrath of the Tokoloshe, hoping that they would not be able to reach them while they rest.

Otherwise known as the South African water sprite or goblin, they are said to have magical powers, and can disguise themselves as anything…. or turn invisible by putting a rock in its mouth or drinking water!

In most cases, a witch doctor resurrects the Tokoloshe by inserting a nail or hot poker in its head.

If a Tokoloshe continues to terrorize a household or a community a Sangoma (Zulu witch doctor) is summoned to exorcize the area and/or the home with the use of muti, a traditional kind of magic practiced by the Sangoma.

There are different kinds of Tokoloshe…. but one things remains certain…. Raise your beds and keep your doors closed because the Tokoloshe is here!!!!

Title Shape CHARITY Title Shape


We may be a mysterious, mischievous enigma. But in web3 we can use our powers to do some good!

That’s why we have decided to partner with the Mens Foundation South Africa. 

The Men’s Foundation is committed to menhancing men’s physical and mental health while addressing men as the primary perpetrators of GBV.

Look out for the #Tokolosheforgood collection where we will be donating 100% of the profits of the collection to The Mens Foundation.

Mens Foundation are now one of the first Web3 powered charities in South Africa.

Donate your NFTS , ETH or ERC20 Tokens 0x3A88909220b6b4a123e200C97CD6aF8e0eD2FCac

Contact The Mens foundation

Telephone: 082 580 4581
Email :  info@mensfoundation.co.za
Website :  https://mensfoundation.co.za/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/MensRSA 






Title Shape Our Goals Title Shape


We are fully committed to this project and the achievement of its long term deliverables and to ensure its sustainability for the years to come, as we strongly believe that web3 world, especially the metaverse sector, will be one of the most prolific environments of the XXIst century.

As a web3-oriented team, we plan to constantly expand our sphere of influence and our businesses. We plan on doing so within the blockchain, focusing mostly on the developments within the web3 world as our overriding goal is to create an entertaining and fun experience to our holders within this sphere.


Our flagship NFT, The Tokoloshe

We plan to utilise Tokoloshe as our genesis mint, with the NFT itself acting as an access pass for our future collections and Folklore NFT Ecosystem.

As a Tokoloshe holder you will have access to exclusive mints of future NFT projects and other giveaway's.


As our web3 community expands we will open up our discord server.

Some parts of the discord server will be token gated for Tokoloshe holders.

Holder benefits include:

  • A commitment to provide an educative and immersive experience into all things Africa.
  • Donations to NGOs that support our beloved continent.
  • $NAIL Token Airdrops for our strongest supporters
  • Crypto Alpha and Macro Channels


Tokoloshe holders will be able to mint the extremely UNIQUE and RARE 1/1 Muant and Sangoma collections.

The Sangoma will act as a governance token for a DAO

More details will follow regarding this collection but be sure to watch our discord server for more information.


Metaverse Integration
The Tokoloshe will need a place to roam.

SHIB Developments
Special Shibarium collections.
Shib Metaverse integrations.
Shib Burner Portals

We will stay in touch with regards to future developments.

Title Shape How it works Title Shape


Tokoloshe Whitelist Mint : 23/03/2023

Tokoloshe Public Mint : 24/03/2023

Tokoloshe Public: 0.00666 ETH

Tokoloshe NFTS : First Phase 1000
Mutants: 666

Sangomas: 555

All collections will be deployed on Ethereum and on the Opensea marketplace.

You can find an in-depth look into our utility in our roadmap, but to break it down, on
successful mint out the holders will see some enlightenment as to the promises
within the roadmap.

This information section will be updated, however for now you will have to:

  • Have the sum of
    the mint price+gas to mint our NFT.
  • The mint for whitelist will be walletbased.
  • Interact with our website by connecting your ETH wallet that you want to mint with,
    and if you are on the whitelist, with the address that you have submitted.

Title Shape Mint the tokoloshe Title Shape



Connect Your Wallet


Select your quantity


Confirm the transaction


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